Wednesday 25 September 2013

Tired drawings...

Finally, working through these old images and moving closer to more recent ones. I've been doing some quick lifedrawing sketches these days and I want to upload them soon, but first gotta get these up. Just for nostalgia! I know, I'm weird. Things have to be done in order....
Vicar's seem to get drawn a lot. Not sure why.. In fact, this page in't fantastic. Neither is the next one really.. 
Pirates. Why not? And a ninja? Meh. I may have been tired making this page....

Tuesday 24 September 2013

I am back and surprisingly blue!

I got a fancy new blog! Very exciting stuff indeed, it's all pretty and blue! I realise it has been a long, long time since I have uploaded on here, and I am going to try and get back into the swing of things once again. First, I need to finish what I started and upload all the really old sketches I was uploading, so I'm gonna do them in big chunks now.
A strange vicar and what appears to be a robot Lincoln. And a cow. And Ghandi. A biker, maybe? And a punk man with a little girl. Of course, this all makes perfect sense, but you cannot understand it because my brain is just so complex. Mere mortals stand no chance at comprehending my... oh who am I kidding, it's nonsense!

I think I was watching TV at this point and drawing random people I saw. For some reason, this includes the polar bear from the Birdseye ads and those annoying aliens from Argos. Why do they even have aliens as their sponsored creatures in the first place? A polar bear for frozen foods makes sense, but aliens for a catalogue based retail merchant? What?

More television doodles, I think. Well, some of them. I think that is definitely an attempt at Barney from How I Met Your Mother down the bottom there, and I think the woman next to him may have been drawn from some random television reality show? Oh, and those two bald guys in the middle are drawn from the same biker dude who was possible in jail at the time?