Tuesday 30 October 2012

Faces again...

And another page of faces, back to life drawing tomorrow.
There's some kind of...creepy...magician....up the top there? Why is he there??

Monday 29 October 2012

29th August Life Drawing

29th August. Abit sketchy - Life Drawing with a difference.

The next few life drawing pages will be 'faerie' themed. Basically, all models had body paint and huge wings, and at one point they fight over a baby to eat. Then they get tired and sleep. You'll see.

This story begins with a woman, who lies on her bed and thinks "Why must I be the model? Why can't I be a truck driver instead?"
Sorry love, wings don't fit in a truck. Now stop moving so I can draw you....

Sunday 28 October 2012

Page 5, from the faces portion of the book

Aaaand more faces. This'll go on for a while before I start drawing other things.
Number 60 wasn't meant to look like a pervy priest. It just seemed to happen...

Saturday 27 October 2012

And another sketchbook page...

Moving through the pages slowly but surely. To be honest, I think there are more on the older pages that I like than on the newer ones. Isn't that odd?

Drawings, and a recap of Derren Brown

Didn't get a chance to update yesterday, so consider this a present today. Two pages in one! This is a nice colourful page, mainly because the colours were available to me.

Oh, I like the guy on the bottom of this picture! RAWR! CUP OF TEA!!!

Last night was the first part of Derren Brown's Apocolypse. I must say, it was amazing television!  It was like the Truman Show, but with zombies. The emotion displayed was so real that I think all television should be filmed like this from now on. One real person surrounded by actors, and the protagonist will react naturally as it progresses. Or, perhaps we could use all actors and create real zombies genetically, see how the actors handle the situation.

I should write pitches for television shows...

Thursday 25 October 2012

Another life drawing page

Going back a day here, 25th of July apparently. This isn't the best life drawing, I know, but I am including everything from my sketchbook, whether it is good or bad.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Back to faces for a while...

Back to the faces now. This was done in the same day as the last two pages, and is just me getting my creative juices flowing with multiple cartoon heads.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

First Page of life drawing...

Some life drawing. Most of this sketchbook is quite old, so there will be a definite grade of improvement as we go along. Please bear with me, they will improve!

She had a tattoo, if you were wondering.

Monday 22 October 2012

First post... Sketchbook page 1

Right, this is the first post of many more to come.

Basically, I think it's about time I upload the works of a sketchbook I have had since late July of 2011. The posts are sporadic and far apart, something I plan n changing immediately. No more sketching on loose bits of paper, from now on I will draw in my sketchbook every day! And post the pages on this blog.

Starting with page one. Okay, when I first got this book, I decided to invent a challenge for myself. To draw 10,000 faces and heads. That may have been ambitious, and one thousand is more likely than ten, but still I crack on! Of course, this book isn't just filled with heads. As time goes on, it becomes a general book for many doodles, and an entire section for life drawing which I will also post.

Enjoy my blog, and thanks for looking.