Saturday 6 July 2013

I'm back with this completely unrelated post!

Haven't posted on here for far too long. Am I posting about my sketchbook? No. I am posting about a dream I had. Sorry, will get back to the cartoons soon...

But this was an epic dream.

Time travel is always a difficult thing to make a story around. Paradoxes are practically impossible to avoid when making time travel fiction. Recently I watched Looper and found myself constantly scratching my head at the impossibility of their interpretations of causality, forcing me to constantly tell myself “Just ignore it and keep watching, maybe it will sort itself out”.
Last night, I had a time travelling dream. I was basically Doctor Who with Rory and Amy, and we’ll ignore all the unnecessary parts of the dream about eating red sand and having to eat blue sand to avoid turning into a mummy. So, we discover this big pyramid that has been converted into a usable business. Except, no one has ever been able to run a business in it because the owner is crazy and keeps kicking all the potential entrepreneurs out.  Also, it has loads of weeping angels in it. So we ignore it and continue about the dream. Some time passes and, later in the dream, we return to the pyramid and find that it has changed; it has been converted into a care home for the elderly. As we are looking around, we lose sight of Rory and find an elderly gentlemen in the corner. It doesn’t take us long to figure out that Rory has been touched by an angel and sent back in time to live his life to old age. When we talk to him to ask what happened, he says he cannot remember. All he remembers is that some man picked him up from his home yesterday and brought him here, and he told him that he was exactly 62 years old. This doesn’t add up with our theory of the angels, but its too late to save him now. He has already been snatched by them and sent back in time, and we cannot interfere. Or can we? We work out that we just need to find out the exact point in time he was sent to and go back and get him, then send him somewhere else where Rory and Amy can live peacefully. Then, when he is 62, The Doctor can go back and get him, wipe his memory and bring him here to the present to be discovered by the present day us. That’s why he was told of his age. So we go about doing that. We find him in the past at the exact point he was sent to, still in the same location. The pyramid in the past is run down and filled with cobwebs, but the inside of it looks like some giant mansion. There is even a stairway. I, as the Doctor, decide to slide down the banister of the stairs until a security guard passing by tells me off. “Do you own those stairs?” he asks me. “No?” “Well, you can’t go sliding down them unless you have lots of money to pay for them first!” “I have lots of money. Stay right there…” I run back into the Tardis and return with thousands of pounds and pay the man so I can slide down the stairs. One thing leads to another and next thing I know, I am buying the entire pyramid. People keep approaching me and asking to transform the newly renovated pyramid into a business, but I turn them all down because I know it’s meant to be a care home eventually! I have become the crazy owner! So I’m hanging around with Rory and Amy in the past, then at one point we visit a children’s park. Amy and I turn our back for one second and when we next look, Rory has turned into a mummy and collapses into dust on the floor. This changes everything and a paradox will occur now! Except, well, we never actually saw him turn into the mummy, we weren’t looking. So, we could technically travel back in time to the moment it happened, snatch Rory away whilst our backs are turned and put a decaying mummy in his place, then retreat, leaving the Amy and Doctor of that time to think that Rory has turned into a mummy. Don’t quite know the point of that, but it’s what happened. So Amy and Rory lived peacefully in the past until the carehome was built, whereby at the age of 62, I went and took Rory from his house and put him in the home, wiping his memory of events and telling him his age is 62, so he could be discovered by the past/present me and begin this whole crazy adventure.

My head actually hurts waking up…

1 comment:

  1. Update more often with better content, you sexy bastard!
